Calling all Kane County voters!
This site is presented as a grass roots effort to encourage former Illinois State Senator Steven J. Rauschenberger to run for Chairman of the Kane County Board in 2008.
This isn't a 501(c)3 or 527 or anything else... This is simply an effort to get Steve to run for Kane County Board Chairman. It is our wish to include the voice of a leader with an unambiguous record of fiscally and socially conservative positions that resonates with a majority of Kane County voters today. We believe this is missing from our county's current chairman. It is our belief that a Rauschenberger candidacy will elevate the level of debate throughout the primary season and into the general election.
Once you've posted your message to Mr Rauschenberger, consider volunteering.
Once again, Welcome to the Draft Steve movement. We're very close to making this thing happen. Thank you for your support!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Its been 7 months and 17 days...time for Steve to come out of retirement
3 years. That's how long Kane County has been adrift without any significant leadership. Our county is a rudderless ship, being tossed back and forth by political operatives. Sadly, our government actually pays advisers to show them how to run it this poorly.
I think 7 months and 17days has been long enough. Help us draft Steve Rauschenberger to take Kane County's mast and steer our county to fair and ethical government. Steve, we need you!
Didn't know Steve was a option. My taxes are up and roads are nasty. Time for a change.
We do need you to lead our county.
We need to stop hiring all these consultants.
We need someone to say no to higher taxes.
We need to stop croyism.
I have six volunteers ready to help you.
Steve is a class act. We need someone with his character and experience in that important position.
Karen is a class act. Why do republicans need to beat up on eachother? Isn't there a few county board districts to focus on to win back in 08? How about winning back Steve's old senate seat back? There are so many projects as republicans that we need to take on and one of them is not beating up on your own.
Since when is Karen a Republican??? Look at her actions, not her words.
I like the way that you are direct about the reality of the way that things are.
The papers always want to hear what you have to say about budgets.
I bet you can keep our Kane County budget under control.
Campton Township will be there.
If Senator Rauschenberger were the Chairman of the county maybe we would have a bridge up north already. One we don't have to pay tolls on !!!
Forget that parkway and build us a bridge.
Alright, quit mentioning the other announced candidate. She probably paid some consultant to create her own high end website where her supporters can say all the nice things they want about her.
This website is all about getting Steve to come save our county. I'll get you 100 signatures in my precinct alone if you decide to run. If you announce (and I hope you do) let us know so we can all be there to support you.
Remember where the announcement was held for KMC's re-election?
At a PRIVATE location where she and her thousands of dollars a month consultants could ward off any public opinion and control the event.
Took a page from the book of the REAL politicians.
George Ryan used to do that too.
Kane County will unite behind Steve.
All this Chairman did was insult him. That is until she heard that he may run against her.
She thought so much of him that she raised money for his opponent from another county right in his own backyard.
She doesn't care about this county. Just look where her campaign spent it all.
After I saw this in the paper I have talked to a lot of people. We will not vote for this Chairman no matter what.
So Mr. Raushenberger could be a good alternative.
A "push behind the scenes" candidate.
Kind of like the movement to push Judith Baar Topinka?
The consultants painted her as a saviour of the Illinois State Party.
Now that real people want a change this is now bad?
Why is it a "bad" deal?
It is bad for the $50,000 a year and up consultants (and there are many) that won't be able to suck up our tax dollars anymore.
Can someone give me the grand total of Republican township meetings Chairman McConnaughay has attended?
Do not count the ones she was at when Rickert was running or the ones she has been at since she wants another four years.
Grand total. Less than three in over three years.
There's a REAL Republican that wants the support of the regular people.
Is there a lunch with the Chicago Democrat women being held at the country club this week?
This site is about Steve. Help us out. Help out the county.
When women have challengers they always attempt to make it a gender issue.
Those that don't win elections do too.
Don't they think voters see through this?
When Karen ran last time she never brought up gender.
I was at a meeting recently where gender was the gist of her address and how women are such underdogs. Blah, blah. She was NEVER an underdog.
Where is she getting this ridiculous advice?
I think the moderator should start deleting some of these attacks and name calling.
I would vote for Steve if he ran, but does anyone else think that this race is beneath him?
This race is not beneath him.
The chairmanship is a very important position now and in the future.
If Steve Raushenberger can get things back on track it is what is needed. Sooner than later.
Thanks ANON.July 18, 2007 9:39 AM. I agree.
I went through and deleted most of the name calling posts. Politics gets ugly sometimes, and we start to get very passionate over our candidates. Lets try and keep the name calling out of this, otherwise we will have to change how comments are posted.
Once again, the purpose of this website is to recruit Steve Rauschenberger to run for County Board Chairman.
Sorry, must have missed that one. It should be gone now.
Representative Cross was behind the supposed "extreme" movement of trying to draft Mike Ditka for Governor.
Are you criticizing Rep. Cross?
Just like Rauschenberger Ditka did not sponsor the movement.
However he did strongly consider running.
I want to hear from my Chairman Denny Wiggins.
I will follow his lead
I don't read every post, so I am only able to delete ones where the name catches my eye quickly. If you notice a bad post, let us know, and we will delete it as well as yours.
Thanks, and keep on posting.
Draft Steve Rauschenberger is a young computer programmer that has never had any formal affiliation to the Republican leadership.
It is a wrong assumption to try to point out one individual or another unfairly.
No one would even know the person's name if it were mentioned.
This is about the abilities and qualifications of county leaders.
Not about one citizen or another.
And that is why we delete names when they are mentioned.
It is time to stop attacking young involved people that want a candidate to continue to consider running for office.
Talk about qualifications people.
Maybe this is all just a big scam by our current chairman to get some attention and look like the victim.
Man that would be a great idea.
That is the oldest trick, get somebody else to sign a letter to the editor. Old, old stuff.
somebody behind the scenes is leading this effort forget who signed to set up this blog.
I just hope is not Steve, it couldn't be
Does it really matter who the author is? I think its a pretty good idea.
Steve knows budgets. That's pretty well established. But how else would he fair on the other issues? Pardon my ignorance, but what are the other issues? I live in the City of Aurora, so I don't pay attention to the county stuff. Isn't that just for the un-incorporated areas?
You made some good points.
Your taxes include those to Kane County.
The agenda of the county is steered by the Chairman.
That will be the debate no matter if there is a primary challenge or a general election challenge.
So what are the issues?
Out of control spending.
Raising taxes.
Hiring out of county consultants that are not needed.
Waiting one year to strip Aurora 9-1-1 of its budget. This budget serves to assist the Aurora community.
The rest will be highlighted at another time.
Steve has already heard from MANY people throughout the county.
Too bad some incumbents and their consultants are not there to hear what is said.
Are the people who have been talking with Steve are the ACT people or the people who are planning to run?
I'm in Aurora too, but all I hear is a group of people trying to take over the Party.
And those are people from a campaign group who lost an election.
Sorry, I'm a little late in these posts. Just read about this blog on kaneblog.
I just wanted to comment on the statements that people don't like women in charge. What about Sandy Wegman, Deborah Seyller, Patricia Reid Lindner, Ruth Munson, or even going back to Loraine Sava? Kane County voters love women leaders. That is not the issue.
Steve, I think you should run. So far all I read from the other side is that we should vote for her because she is a woman. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
Anonymous July 18, 2007 11:12 AM:
I agree. I'm sick and tired of these consultants who lose elections trying to infiltrate our party. Why should some people from Chicago come in here and tell us what to do? They couldn't even win a single county for Kris Cohn in 2002. What political knowledge do they have?
At least we know Steve is his own man. And he's always been one of the top vote getters in our County. If you are reading this, please run Steve!
We appreciate Pat Lindner, Deb Seyller, Sandy Wegman and Ruth Munson for talking about issues and not beating the gender drum.
Steve Rauschenberger has talked to many groups throughout the county. Any attempt do imply that there are not hundreds of people urging him to run is disingenuous.
Rauschenberger knows all too well that it is not one small group urging his candidacy.
That's exactly what I was told, the ACT groups is not upset about the county leadership, it is upset with a consultant from Chicago who doesn't get alone with what used to be the ED of the Party.
It goes back to their years in College
I am part of a large political group and Steve has never come and talk to us, I wonder why
July 18, 2007 11:33 AM
What are you talking about? Why would a whole group form in order to carry the banner for one person that didn't like a fellow college classmate? That's ridiculous.
I thought ACT was the former JOIN group.
July 18, 2007 11:34 AM
Because he is running for office yet woudl probably be my guess.
But that could change. Let us know when you are meeting next, and we'll make sure he is there.
Isn't Kane's past ED like 20 years younger than the queen of fort sheridan? How did they go to college together?
If Steve has been meeting already with groups around the county, that means he is looking at running.
Is this site part of his strategy then?
I thought he was not aware at all, make up your mind.
People are so disgusted with the current leadership that they are looking for someone (anyone) to not only run, but to win.
That is where Steve's name is mentioned. This isn't rocket science here people. Our minds are made up. We want Steve.
Now if we can only convince him to run, we'll be in business.
I'm not disgusted at the current leadership "people", I'm disgusted at dirty politics from candidates who have no qualifications to runand I'm not talking about Steve, I'm talking about all this JOIN, ACT and alies who want to run and decide dirty politics is the easy answer.
You should have been at the event where Raushenberger received a standing ovation a month or so back.
He was very impressive.
Sign me up for Raushenberger for Chairman.
July 18, 2007 11:51 AM, uh, OK, then who are you talking about? I guess I'm with you to. Those people suck.
But I like Steve, and if he runs I'll walk for him.
I support ACT and JOIN and STOP and anyone else that take the trouble as citizens to go out on a limb. They are entitled to their opinions.
Especially when I read how revengeful the Chairman's supporters are with them.
Steve is way too young to retire. Time to get back into politics.
You're the man Steve. I'll volunteer for you.
Karen, keep up the good work.
Don't let a bunch of sour grapes to discourage you.
I have never volunteer in a campaign, but I can learn fast
I am from South Elgin and it is time for a change. Steve, I will pledge my family to help.
"Good work Karen" did we hire another consultant?
Mr. Rauschenberger, if you are really considering this, please let us know soon so that we can organize quickly for you.
By the amount of posts generated on this site, there are definitely quite a few people that really want you to run, and quite a few from the other side that are terrified of the possibility of a Rauschenberger campaign.
I can only think of a handful of women and one county board member that really supports Karen in Aurora. The rest of the city was big McCoy supporters. After the way Karen treated McCoy, which way do you think these voters will go?
I like your chances Steve. Throw your hat in the ring
If not for County Board Chairman, then at least for Congress.
In all fairness, I went to the Karen's website to see what her vision of Kane County was, but the website is not running. Unless the letterhead she sent to me on my committeeman letter is wrong, her site is down.
That's pretty crappy to have your site down if you are gearing up for a campaign.
Steve if you don't want a Primary, come on over to the Democrat's side and run on our ticket. We can't stand Karen either. Does anyone really like her that's not on her payroll?
TO: July 18, 2007 12:49 PM
Another clasic lie by those who want to take over the Kane Republican and run for elections.
MCoy and Karen did not run against each other.
Many people like Karen in Aurora, she is very respected. I don't leave in kane, but work in aurora and will help Karen, I met her once and she was very nice and down to earth.
I work face to face with a lot of people and will be pulling for her
To July 18, 2007 3:17 PM:
No one ever said that they ran against each other. If you actually new the political landscape of Kane County you would know that McCoy and Karen were enemies when she was on the Board and he was Chairman.
Better stay in the kiddie side of the pool until you know your history.
Oh that is not true, it's pure BS like everything else.
McCoy was a great chaiman and decided to retired, that's all
If McCoy and Karen were enemies, how come he appointed her Chairman of the Transportation Committee. That's a strange reward to give an enemy.
and p.s.
Better stay in the kiddie side of the pool until you know your history.
McCoy trusted Karen at the time he appointed her Chairman of Transportation.
She then took checks for her campaign from all the engineering firms to build up a warchest and decided to run against him.
What I heard is that she was going to challenge him no matter what because the developers did not want him to stay. The developers wanted her to be Chairman in the worst way.
Kane History 101
Another lie, it's that simple
Ask Mike McCoy.
I think he is still wearing the knife in his back.
We won't forget this in Aurora.
Even though the paper says you won't run, I would support you if you did Steve. I bet most of Kane County would too! All the past differences people have with Karen aside, I think you are more qualified and better equipped to run the county.
If Steve does not want to do it, bring back Mike MC Coy.
He was honest and competent. Non-political
I am from Aurora and many of us like Karen.
I'm from St. Charles and a lot of us like Steve.
Cherrypickers can always take issue with leadership. Stop ACTing so outraged.
I'm a Kane County printer.
Lot's of my competitors now know of how much money is being spent in our industry OUTSIDE of our county with other printers.
What is with this?
Candidates and government should consider spending money here when all things are the same.
correct, when all things are the same...
And what were the things that were not the same or better in another county?
How many pieces? What did it cost?
Printers in Kane County want to know.
I don't get something.
Why would the McConnaughay supporters want to attack other people if they are going to try to gain support either in the primary or the general election cycle?
Wouldn't they want to attempt to be a little less agressive?
The Daily Herald's Patrick Waldron kissed up to KMC and was rewarded with a government gimme job with METRA.
The Chronicle's Tom Schlueter took it easy on KMC and the insiders on the Board and got a gig with the Health Department as (cough,cough)Spokesman.
What will the Kane County Chronicle's Paul Dalling get for his softball articles and his sniveling sucking-up attitude to the powers in charge? Maybe Jan Carlson can show him how to get some of that Chicago cash?
Dailing and the Chronicle have been pretty willing to look at both sides of the issues involving the county.
Time will tell if the citizens of the county have the opportunity to make determinations in regard to policies in the future with detailed information in regard to pay to play etc.
By the way the posting times are way off on this site.
Did the Chicago cash statement have to do with the unclaimed (by economic interest statement) position Mr. Carlson held in the city of Chicago?
The papers need information on that one.
Did he apply for the job? How much did it pay? etc.
I don't know about all that, but when you have a guy like Steve just sitting in the wings, its a crime. Steve would be great as Chairman.
I live in Mill Creek and WE are sick of the treatment WE get from Mr. Carlson and the Chairman. WE need you Steve.
So, the attack now is against the County Chairwoman supporters?
I think its pretty clear that people want you to run Steve. I know I will vote for you.
Steve Rocks! I'd support him for anything...
Karen has been a great chairman, that's why she has a lot of support from the people accross the county.
I don't think that many people support her or there wouldn't be a movement to draft Steve.
That is your opinion, I support Karen, and I’m not an employee at the County or make business with the county. I'm a businessman.
I think we already hear many times the intentions of this group of people who only look for revenge.
I'm informed and follow up on a couple of the accusations made to honorable families.
There were not only lies, but vicious which only purpose was to discredit families who have been working for the community for many generations.
My vote is NO for whoever decides to play in the same extreme right-wing sand box.
We need unity, not a extreme right-wing movement.
Karen has been a good leader and she has my vote and support.
Who made accusations against anyone's family?
I read this blog and have never read anything like this.
To the "businessman" poster I have a question.
What facts do you have to determine that ACT or any of its supporter are "extreme far right wing?
That is a ridiculous charge being put forth by the supporters of this administration and the direction it is taking.
That is the usual song and dance any of those that are benefitting by our tax dollars use when attempting to persuade the public not to read the facts from public record supporting some credible position.
Did anybody watch 60 minutes today?
it was all about "watchdogs" groups who exagerate the facts to scare people, most of the time these groups have a different agenda
it sounds just like this ACT group and everything I have read in other blogs regarding ACT
Relating a local group to 60 Minutes?
I also watched 60 Minutes once and it spoke about local politicians giving contracts to the top political contributors in their campaign.
Another segment about doctored resumes..
I watched a third segment that told about how government skews numbers and raids one fund to another to paint a picture of financial health when in fact things are going in the wrong direction. (as taking $$ from one fund and placing it in the "general" fund.)
It "sounds just like this entrenched county group" and everything I have heard about them from my neighbors and friends.
Rauschenberger would win the race.
He would win the old fashioned way.
Probably with no consultants paid at our expense.
I am a Democrat and I will vote for him.
all those "watchdog" groups like ACT are adding more burocracy than anything else just to push the agenda for very few.
I'm a Democrat and will never vote for STEVE
After 14 (or 15?) years in the Senate Steve proved his honesty and competence-that's what we need in Kane County Government! We need his leadership and the example he'll set will attract more like-minded people to politics.
Run Steve Run!
How does ACT add to the beaurocracy?
They are non profit VOLUNTEERS.
These supporters of the expensive status quo are in La La Land.
Steve Rauschenberger would be a welcome change and he would cut costs where they could be cut.
End of story.
RUN STEVE! a change is needed.
I like Steve, but I think Karen is doing an outstanding job. I cannot vote for Steve if he runs for chairman now.
And if ACT is a supporter of Steve, I cannot vote for him either or any other candidate who looks for support with the ACT group.
Slandering tactics don't work for me, plain and simple…
But hey, that’s me.
Kane County needs Steve Rauschenberger. says they won't back a candidate. Go to ACT's website to have a debate with them. This site is to encouage Mr. Rauschenberger to run for the Kane County Chairman seat.
Name one slanderous statement ACT made.
Look real hard cause it is NOT there and it was NEVER said.
And many people can never support anyone that the Cook County deputy committeeman and Bob Kjellander support. BK is the person that took over $850 thousand for a fee on a Democrat sponsored project.
Kjellander supports McConnaughay.
He was quoted as saying he would finance her campaign if Steve Rauschenberger ran. There are witnesses to his statement.
Steve knows a problem when he sees one and he has called the guy out many a time.
ACT doesn't sponsor anyone anyway so what does it matter. They will urge good government policy despite the bullying tactics used by people here.
bulling tactics?
You still talking about ACT correct?
Not only bulling, but slandering.
And about support a candidate, of course they will not do it openly.
everything is behind the scenes.
They use scare tactics and then bring to the front the saviour of the county, their candidate.
that's politics 101
Here we go again. Asking one MORE time. Citing public audio tape name ONE slanderour statement that the board of director's of ACT have made?
Perhaps the board members wife from Aurora on this website would like to answer this question?
Her spouse voted to give his prior employer a contract and now he wants to run for the state legislature?
Just what we need. More accountability in Springfield!!!
"Citing public audio tape name ONE slanderour statement that the board of director's of ACT have made?" Better yet, name ONE Board of Director at ACT!
Stay tuned.
They won't be anyone very well known to the entrenched few making money from the taxpayers.
They are BUSINESS people earning money, promoting the Kane County economy and paying taxes so the insiders can continue to benefit at all our expense.
By Monday it will all be there.
Smoke a carton of cigarettes and then get that ole "hate" campaign of yours going.
It does not matter who the membership of a citizens group are but if the public agrees with their positions.
The "network" over at the county does not seem to be grasping this.
Rather than try to work with people and try to make some positive change they personally attack members of the taxpaying community like Mr. McRenolds.
Will Steve be announcing soon? We need to get rid of the junk we have in Kane County - We need Steve to clean this mess up. Kane County needs an ethical leader who cares about their county.
We need Steve's leadership.
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