Calling all Kane County voters!

This site is presented as a grass roots effort to encourage former Illinois State Senator Steven J. Rauschenberger to run for Chairman of the Kane County Board in 2008.

This isn't a 501(c)3 or 527 or anything else... This is simply an effort to get Steve to run for Kane County Board Chairman. It is our wish to include the voice of a leader with an unambiguous record of fiscally and socially conservative positions that resonates with a majority of Kane County voters today. We believe this is missing from our county's current chairman. It is our belief that a Rauschenberger candidacy will elevate the level of debate throughout the primary season and into the general election.
Once you've posted your message to Mr Rauschenberger, consider volunteering.

Once again, Welcome to the Draft Steve movement. We're very close to making this thing happen. Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Its been 7 months and 17 days...time for Steve to come out of retirement

7 month and 17 days. Thats how long the State of Illinois has been deprived of leadership. During that time the state has fallen into utter disrepair. Half way through July and we still don't have a budget. With the absence of Steve's leadership, its pandemonium in Springfield.

3 years. That's how long Kane County has been adrift without any significant leadership. Our county is a rudderless ship, being tossed back and forth by political operatives. Sadly, our government actually pays advisers to show them how to run it this poorly.

I think 7 months and 17days has been long enough. Help us draft Steve Rauschenberger to take Kane County's mast and steer our county to fair and ethical government. Steve, we need you!

Kane County is ready for new leadership!

Its time...

When candidates try to spin utter failures into glowing accomplishments... its time.
When budgets are ignored, and time lines are forgotten... its time.
When government payrolls are loaded with political allies... its time.
When our county begins to resemble Cook County nepotism... its time.

Its time that voters demand more of their government officials. Its time for our county to seek someone with the moral compass to clean up our government, and return it to us!

Its time for Steve Rauschenberger to run for County Board Chairman.