Calling all Kane County voters!

This site is presented as a grass roots effort to encourage former Illinois State Senator Steven J. Rauschenberger to run for Chairman of the Kane County Board in 2008.

This isn't a 501(c)3 or 527 or anything else... This is simply an effort to get Steve to run for Kane County Board Chairman. It is our wish to include the voice of a leader with an unambiguous record of fiscally and socially conservative positions that resonates with a majority of Kane County voters today. We believe this is missing from our county's current chairman. It is our belief that a Rauschenberger candidacy will elevate the level of debate throughout the primary season and into the general election.
Once you've posted your message to Mr Rauschenberger, consider volunteering.

Once again, Welcome to the Draft Steve movement. We're very close to making this thing happen. Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Kane County is ready for new leadership!

Its time...

When candidates try to spin utter failures into glowing accomplishments... its time.
When budgets are ignored, and time lines are forgotten... its time.
When government payrolls are loaded with political allies... its time.
When our county begins to resemble Cook County nepotism... its time.

Its time that voters demand more of their government officials. Its time for our county to seek someone with the moral compass to clean up our government, and return it to us!

Its time for Steve Rauschenberger to run for County Board Chairman.


mymoney said...

COOK COUNTY!!!!! Time for a change. We need you Steve.

Anonymous said...

Senator Rauschenberger,

You were an asset to us as our Senator and we now need you to help serve Kane County.

Please consider a run for County Board Chairman.

Anonymous said...

I am a Republican precinct committeeman.

I have never seen Chairman McConnaughay at any of our meetings.

Now she sends me a three page letter telling me how great she is.
She has people quoted saying the same thing.

She promised to stay active in our party. She only shows up to polish Congressman Hastert's boots but doesn't care about us enough to visit us when it isn't campaign season.

You have always been there. Count me in and I will send you my name and number to help you.

Anonymous said...

Aurora for Rauschenberger!

Anonymous said...

I know a lot of people that would vote for Steve.

Right now they won't sign their names because this Chairman is so mean she will make them pay.

If and when he is ready we will be there.

Anonymous said...

Run Steve. Please run.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this effort is a Democrat strategy

Anonymous said...

We are farmers out west.

This Chairman does not care that a major highway is going to be put through our property.

We need a change..and it needs to be NOW.

Anonymous said...

Sex has nothing to do with it. When a man or woman is leading the county down the toilet, its time for a change.

Anonymous said...

It is clearly a man thing, you cannot take it.
Woman can lead too and we will not allow a bunch of man trying to bully one of our best leaders.

Anonymous said...

If she is one of your best leaders, then the woman's movement is screwed there girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

A failed businesswoman, with a high school degree is your best leader???

I don't care if Steve is a man, woman, Latino, Caucasian, veteran or Homosexual! Steve is the best candidate for the job.

Anonymous said...

Saying its a "man vs woman" thing has to be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. Is that your winning strategy?

Anonymous said...


I was grateful for your service in the Springfield legislature. You were always one legislator who would always take our phone calls. Your loss in the last statewide race was definitely Illinois' loss.

With the talks of you possibly running for County Board Chairman, that loss may turn out to be Kane's gain.

Run Steve, Run!

Anonymous said...

How dare you?

I'm a successful business woman with a high school degree who has supported the community for many years and raised sucessful children.

My high school diploma has gave me many awards, yes I know it is strange for you. I'M A WOMAN WITH A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if you are a woman or not? Only idiots vote for the sex of a person. Why is that an issue to anyone?

Steve, I wish you would run, if only to get rid of these types of stupid voters.

Anonymous said...

This Lincoln Series bra burner "women are oppressed" propaganda is old news.

Ask Loleta, Chris Kohn, Judy, Corrinee how they fared under this campaign theme?

Anonymous said...

Man would that be great to have Steve lead this County. He is the type of person that could make Kane as strong as DuPage.

Steve, you have my vote.

Anonymous said...

exactly July 18, 2007 9:17 AM,
The stupid blogler is attacking Karen for having a high school diploma?

Anonymous said...


We have the chance to elect a candidate with experience in crafting a multi-billion dollar statewide budget, a candidate with proven fiscal and social views that right in line with Kane County voters, a candidate that has been recognized nationally by the bi-partisan National Council of State Legislators, a candidate who has traveled around the world helping train newly formed governments and draft constitutions... and all you can say is that its a SEX THING???

How ignorant are you? If Ronald Reagan or Margaret Thatcher lived in our county, I would vote for either of them too.

Steve, you may be our only hope.

Anonymous said...

A high school diploma is just fine.

However when compared to a candidate with a professional finance degree or one that graduated with honors from a well respected university it is to be considered.

What were the companies that Karen McConnaughay owned? Has anyone checked on this?

What degree does she have. What is her educational background?

These are all valid questions to be asked of a candidate.

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of talk about not changing your horse midstream. I don't know if that is fair or not. If your party candidate is doing something wrong, why shouldn't you dump them? Personally, I don't care much for the way the government has been run. If another candidate were to enter the race, I would look long and hard at them before deciding who I would vote for.

At the very least, a Steve campaign would offer open debate on issues, and allow both candidates to express their views to the voters.

Anonymous said...

She is doing a job.

A "job" on all of us.


A fed up Taxpayer.

Draft Steve Rauschenberger said...

Thanks ANON.

I went through and deleted most of the name calling posts. Politics gets ugly sometimes, and we start to get very passionate over our candidates. Lets try and keep the name calling out of this, otherwise we will have to change how comments are posted.

Once again, the purpose of this website is to recruit Steve Rauschenberger to run for County Board Chairman.

Anonymous said...

I want to hear from my Chairman Denny Wiggins.

I will follow his lead

Draft Steve Rauschenberger said...

I don't read every post, so I am only able to delete ones where the name catches my eye quickly. If you notice a bad post, let us know, and we will delete it as well as yours.

Thanks, and keep on posting.

Anonymous said...

Chairman Wiggins does not take positions in primaries.

Anonymous said...

Denny can't take sides in Primary battles. Plus, wouldn't it be dumb for him to stick his neck out when Steve hasn't even declared?

Anonymous said...

Check out the by laws.

The committeemen don't want the Chairman to take a position.

Anonymous said...

i did not know we have bylaws

Anonymous said...

The by-laws are that dusty old stack of papers that no one ever looks at.

Anonymous said...


Give it a shot. If you don't run for Chairman, what about Congress?

Anonymous said...

I want to hear from Mr. Wiggins as a citizen, he can do that.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this guy is the same guy as kaneblog?

Draft Steve Rauschenberger said...

You guys are all way off.

Anonymous said...

draftsteve, kaneblog and actforkane are the same group of extreme far right-wing group of people

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how more time is being spent to determine who is "behind" something than it is to discuss candidacies.

Why is this?

Who was behind any citizen's movement?

It is interested people.

The Chairman has been there. Her consultants have too. That does not make them BAD people.

These young people are not bad either.

Let's just move on.

Anonymous said...

The buzzword far right extreme is launched to scare off any support for anything.

The tactic is as old as dirt.

Check it out. No one believes it.

Anonymous said...

Get out of the country clubs for awhile and realize that Kane County is composed of many people.

I don't see any of these groups pushing any political social agenda.

Why are you so defensive and angry?

Anonymous said...

This is a pretty neat idea. I liike the website. Could the webmaster maybe add some more details about Steve's background, and the reason why he would be such a good candidate? I think that info could help more people get involved and work on this race.

Has anyone actually talked to Steve? Would he consider running?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you July 18, 2007 10:49 AM ,
this ACT group sounds very angre and I'm not sure is because county expenses.

Anonymous said...

Big Hint Steve - do NOT hire any of those numb nuts you had running your last campaign - especially Profit.

Anonymous said...

Proft just lost the Downer's Grove race as well didn't he?

I bet that this site is created by someone who is trying to draw Steve into the election so that they could get a job as his consultant? Isn't that what Rod McCullaugh is known for?

Anonymous said...

annonymous July 18, 2007 11:14 AM, I'm pretty sure that the other person wasn't talking about ACT or Steve. Steve is more of a Moose Lodge guy, not a country club person.

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing, the ACT group classified as country club people?


Anonymous said...

The ACT group is standing up and saying we are fed up with needless spending.

10:49 am is urging McConnaughay and her group to get out of the country clubs and hear what regular people have to say.
Steve does not come from a family of millionaires or is he related to one.

Karen's staff are angry at the ACT group for calling them out on their insider dealings and raising our taxes.

One person volunteered in one campaign and they are lying or misinformed about the motivation of the group.

It is that simple.

Anonymous said...

Lying is one of the characteristics of the ACT group, they have been already exposed.
I don’t know if the chairman is angry or not, but I would be upset if instead working on real issues, I have to be listening to slandering from a group of people who got together to run for office.

Anonymous said...

Lying??? You mean like how our chairman lied in her letter to the committeemen?

For the love of God, please run Steve.

Anonymous said...

ACT is in trouble alreadey for making up stuff, so they decided a new site


Anonymous said...

ACT says out of county spending is ridiculous.

They are right.

Move on again.

Rauschenberger would make a great county board chairman.

He would cut out a lot of the wasteful spending.

Anonymous said...

I would vote for Steve. It would be nice to see what his vision of Kane County would be.

Anonymous said...

ACT was never exposed. They said a county board member should not have voted on a contract of an ex employer.

Who would not agree they should not have voted?

Get over trashing citizen's groups. It is not becoming of you.

We don't live in a communist society where free speech is prohibited.

Does this administration feel so vulnerable that this is a more important issue than having a fine addition to the ballot such as Mr. Rauschenberger?

Anonymous said...


You will bring out more voters.

This will help those on the ticket.

Think seriously about this.

Anonymous said...

Steve comes from a long line of public servents. His dad was on the County Board for years. I think that this would be a great spot for Steve.

Heck, even the current chairman agrees. Wasn't she looking to give him a decree from the Board? Its nice when your potential opponent even supports you.

Anonymous said...

This blog is about Steve Rauschenberger. It is not about anything else.

ACT has more supporters than you may think.

They just have the guts to call attention to some troublesome matters out here.

Anonymous said...

by your own definition and many of the post, if you have been long time in politics is time to get out.

Anonymous said...

July 18, 2007 12:30 PM, where in this website does anyone say that people should get out if they have been involved in politics for a long time? If the person is good, than by all means please stay.

Do you think before you post, or just type the same old speaking points given to you by her campaign?

Anonymous said...

The County Board shouldn't be a place where Hastert's flunky's pad their pension. Time for change.

Anonymous said...

I will vote for Steve, unless he has another ridiculous campaign jingle like that "Do the Rauschenberger" song he used during the Senate race.

Anonymous said...

I thought Steve was in business selling insurance with his brother?

Lets talk Oberweis into running for Chairman. We know he has ambitions for higher office, so why not give him a start here.

Anonymous said...

I really like this idea of drafting candidates to run for office. Could we do one to find an opponent for some of our county's other duds? Who is going to run against Kunkel, Carlson, Davoust, Wegman and Collins? What about Holmes or de la Isla? God, there are a bunch of losers that we should oust from both parties.

Anonymous said...

Hey July 18, 2007 12:44 PM

Why do you assume the only people supporting Karen is in Kane’s payroll?

I do support Karen and do not need a job, neither looking for one.
Your extreme views only show the weakness of your candidates.

If you are trying to convince voters to vote for your county candidate, you better start changing your strategy. Between this website and the ACT extreme right wing group are getting people excited about supporting Karen even earlier. I will vote against anybody the ACT group endorses or supports.

Anonymous said...

I have a large family in Elgin and Carpenterville, we will suport you.
I will put a large sign in my North Aurora business

Anonymous said...

Steve, I'm behind you whatever way you decide to go.

You are the brightest political mind I have seen in a long time. Karen lives down the street from me, but you have my vote, and my yard for signage.

Anonymous said...

Steve, coming out to announce a bid for kane county via a blog is not something I would expect from you.

if you want to run, just come out and say it

Anonymous said...

I live in Campton and with what the county did to us it is a time for a change. I will help with Steve.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're famous now:

Anonymous said...

Karen, my vote and support is for you!

Anonymous said...

Came from the chronicle article, I think it is a great idea. If we want change we must force it to happen.

Anonymous said...

ACT is a non partisan organization.
They do NOT endorse candidates.

They use public information contained in public record and document it for public distribution and education.

Anonymous said...

No one is announcing anything via a blog.

There are many people wanting a change of direction in the county. It is not personal.

Consider changing some policies or the voters may support another candidate in February or November.

Anonymous said...

And ACT also uses difamation tactics. That's a FACT, more than one of their accusations have been proven FALSE.

They attack and then they apologize or spin the accusation.

More than once.

Anonymous said...

Get over it. Note that you never mention any of the accomplishments of Ms. McConnaughay.

Just go after some citizen's group.

Did she raise our gas taxes?

Does she get $$ from people that do business in the county?

Did she spend money on printers and supplies from outside of our county?

Just answer those questions.

Assume you will just launch into another attack against STOP, ACT or JOIN or some other neighborhood
group that may not agree with the current county policy.

It's getting old and obvious that this is the sole intent of the KMC campaign staff.

Anonymous said...

We want change. Steve Rauschenberger is a down to earth grass roots politician.

He is capable of uniting the county.

The truth of the matter is that the county is not united at this time.

Anonymous said...

No wonder people are afraid to speak up under this current administration.

Look what they do to citizens!

I wasn't sure before but after reading this website and looking at the citizens websites and information McConnaughay has lost my vote.

Anonymous said...

After reading the Chronicle I have to laugh. They're talking about trying to identify who is behind the blog. I envision a Spartacus style movement where everyone steps forward in Kane County. "I am Draft Steve Rauschenberger!"

Maybe instead of worrying about who started the blog, they should worry about why it was started. People are obviously fed up with the business as usual approach in Kane. They're not happy about the gas tax, they didn't like reading about the animal control center's problems. They simply don't like Karen.

Sometimes the truth really hurts. Steve would be better.

Anonymous said...

Maybe run Rauschenberger against that hot-headed bartender Wolfe for County Board. Steve could then do his other stuff while keeping a toe in politics.

Anonymous said...

No way on the county board. Wolfe blows too, but Steve's talents would be wasted on the board.

I say Congress or Chairman. Penny Wegman lives in that district. We can recruit her to run for the board

Anonymous said...

TO: July 19, 2007 10:20 AM
give the FACT right, fair is fair.
Karen did not raise GAS taxes, those taxes were already approved and I applaud the Kane Board for waiting 10 years to use the other 2%.
That's a great business practice.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, we all know you already have a candidate against Wolfe, it is part of your BIG strategy to take over the county.

Many don't know about it, but the ones who do, will make sure to communicate everthing that's going on.
Just wait....

Anonymous said...

I think the only candidate that is going to challenge Wolfe is a Democrat. His district is pretty swing.

Anonymous said...

to July 19, 2007 1:49 PM

Answer me this. Did the county Board raise the gas tax? Yes or No? I don't care about any spin or opinions. The question is simple. Did the gas tax go up while Karen was Chairman of the Board?

The answer is Yes.

Anonymous said...

By "using" the other two percent, I believe the taxes went up. The State authorized counties the ability to raise a gas tax, but the counties had to to it. Long story short, the county approved it, and now our gas is more expensive.

Anonymous said...

Let's see. I use 20 gallons of gas a week. That is 80 gallons a month. That is an extra $1.60 a month or less than $20 a year for improved transpaortation facilities. Sign me up and dispute that math.

Anonymous said...

Let's see.

If it is no big deal why do our county board members (one that just announced a bid for another term) go to other counties to buy gas and then promote a tax HERE?

Anonymous said...

Panic everyone. The NEW creation by the KMC campaign staff is to imply that ACT is attempting to "take over the ocunty."

The next thing is to accuse them of being a terrorist cell.

How humorous.

Those citizens gaining interest in their OWN government are really bothering those protecting the status quo.

What is next? Bank robbery, mass murder, arson???? LOL

Enough already.

Anonymous said...

"Taking over the county" are their own words. Not humorous.
their plan is to run people up and down to county, just to show them.

all you have to do is talk with a couple of people close to them.

the best way to find out things is NOT to be part of a campaign staff.

Anonymous said...

Run people up and down the county?

Don't think so.

There are a lot of good board members.

Anonymous said...

No one has an agenda to run people against the entire county board.

That is being used in the hope to solicit support for a couple of people.

Could this true misinformation being put out by the P.R. department in the county/campaign?

Are they one and the same? Will they be working on political events or writing speeches etc?

Would this be a conflict?

There are some questions deserving of answers.

Anonymous said...

I hear that the Wolfe will be chased out of the hen house by
a candidate whose name rhymes with

Anonymous said...

Not true. It was considered but due to family considerations this will not happen.

It could be that district will be challenged by the Democrats due to the Nolan numbers put up in the last election.

Anonymous said...

Steve Rauschenberger is one possible candidate for Chairman.

He should move forward with his plans very soon to see for himself the support he will receive should he run.

All parts of the county could be involved in moving Kane County forward for reform.

Anonymous said...

Wolfe is pretty safe in the Primary. I would worry more about the general election, though. He is the only real chance the Dems have of picking up a seat.

Anonymous said...

to: July 20, 2007 4:35 AM

Do you mean, your plans for "Kane County take over"?

Anonymous said...

to: July 20, 2007 7:22 AM

What are you talking about? Who says "taking over the county? I'm talking about winning an election.

Anonymous said...

Winning the election of the candidates already scheduled to help the "TAKE OVER", right?

Anonymous said...

I hate sour grapes, they get into government for the wrong reasons.

Anonymous said...

If taking over the county means electing Steve, sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Me too.

If the GOP does not do it in the primary it will be a LONG general election season.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have family and friends who would help Steve out in any way we could. Petitions, parades, door to door, ect.

I don't see a link to volunteer.

Anonymous said...

Steve will have many volunteers!

They will come from every township in the county.

North, South, West and Central.

Anonymous said...

Karen has volunteers across the county, her volunteers don't go anywhere, and they stay in their townships and organize locally.

Anonymous said...

First visit to this site and it seems that some people are a little upset that groups are working to get better government. I think if the current county board is working so hard to beat down some groups there must be problems. I would support Steve!

Anonymous said...

Look at the last general election numbers. Look at the crossover votes from Republicans in the Chairman's race. Significant.

It will increase again in November.
Add that to the crossovers and this could get very interesting.

Rauschenberger will take this race and if he doesn't we just might.

Kane County Democrat.

Anonymous said...

They must be MAD AS HECK over at OUR government center.

The citizens are really irritating them since all over the county they want new leadership.

The insiders are making a bundle at OUR expense.

The ole network appears have the "Batavia Bulldog" on full attack on all the blogs.

And by this we don't mean to put down the Batavia Bulldogs. They are a wonderful team !!!

The employees in the county will all vote for Rauschenberger. At least the rank and file.

Those not making over $60,000 that is.

Anonymous said...

Put it this way.

They will look for an alternative.

Anonymous said...

Was told about this site today by a friend and it makes me laugh. The county is spending and the paper said the Chairman is a can do leader. Is the spending going to end soon? Can Steve help?

Anonymous said...

"Can do" with our money.

A jail that cost us over $50 million dollars that did NOTHING to help overcrowding.

A animal control center that cost twice as much as originally planned.

Who will pay for this mess? We will.

Anonymous said...

Was at a GOP function Sunday and heard the Steve might run. We need his type of leadership.

Anonymous said...

What would convince Steve to run for Kane County Board chairman? He lives in Kane County and pays taxes here as well.
It would be an easy race. Name recognition and intelligence alone.

Anonymous said...

Was at a GOP outing this weekend and was told about this site. LOVE IT!